Parent Login Teacher Login





Question: How do I Log-in in to School corner?

•Click on the LOGIN button,is available in the top right corner of the page.

•A pop up window will be appearing with the following options:

•Parent login as the default login,so please click on the toggle button on the right top corner of the pop-up menu to change

•Select the school by drop down menu

•Type your username and password

•Now click on login button.

Question: I Forgot My Password?

•Click on the forgot password.

•Enter the email id and submit.

•There after click the activation link and

•Type the new password and confirm password.

•Forgot Password for Parent is the default, so please click on the toggle button on top right corner of the pop-up menu to change for Teacher login.

•Type the username of parent.

•Now click on Submit button.

•A link will be displayed on the page.

•Click on the link and

•Enter the new password and confirm password.

•Click on submit button.

Question: How do I change my profile picture?

•After log-in in to the portal left side of the page default image is displayed.

•Mouse over on the default image you will find change photo

•Click on the change photo.

•A new pop up will be opened.

•Click on the upload files.

•Select the photo.

•Click on next.

•Save the photo.

Question: How to change my password?

•Click on the change password present in the left side of the My Home.

•Type the old password.

•Type the new password and confirm password, and Click on the save button.

•The password will be changed.

Question: How do I change my kid’s profile picture?

•Click on the kid’s profile.

•Mouse over on the default image you will find change photo

•Click on the change photo.

•Click on the upload files

•Click on next and

•Save the photo.

Question: How do I see my kid’s profile?

In the parent’s profile, the left panel will shows the name of your kid.

•Click on the name of your children. The page will be redirected to the kid’s Profile.

•On click of the kid’s profile, the kids profile will be displayed.

Question: How to send a Leave Application to teacher?

•Click on the kid’s profile.

•Click on the STUDENT LEAVE APPLICATION menu present on the left side of the page.

•Click on the ADD LEAVE APPLICATION on the top left side of the page.

•Fill all the mandatory fields like To, Leave Type, Date, Subject and Message.

•TO specifies the class teacher.

•LEAVE TYPE specifies the leave is of Morning Session, Evening Session, One Day and More Than one Day.

•Click on the date icon to enter the DATE.

•SUBJECT specifies the brief description of the message.

•MESSAGE specifies the whole content to be typed.

•Click on the SAVE button, so that the Leave Application can be sent to the class teacher.

Question: Where can I see the Sent Leave Application?

•Click on the STUDENT LEAVE APPLICATION menu form the menu present on left side of the page.

•Click on the LIST LEAVE APPLICATION button present on the right side of the page.

•This displays the List of leaves sent to the teacher.

Question: What is My School?

On click of the MY SCHOOL menu present on the top of the page, the page will be redirected to the school’s website.

Question: How to come back from My School to School corner home page?

Click on the SCHOOLCORNER HOME menu present on the left side of the page.

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